Which Preparation Product You Should Choose
Here’s the scenario…you’ve found the perfect wood, you’ve finalised your project design, and sanded to a 150 grit - now it’s time to oil. However, you may find yourself asking…what happens now? One of the most important aspects of the oiling process is preparation.

The importance of preparation
Whether you oil the components before putting them together, or apply when the project is together, we’ve got the perfect products for you!
Here’s the scenario…you’ve found the perfect wood, you’ve finalised your project design, and sanded to a 150 grit - now it’s time to oil. However, you may find yourself asking…what happens now? One of the most important aspects of the oiling process is preparation. We often get asked what’s the next step between sanding and applying our Oil Plus 2C, and it is a vital one! Good preparation will help you get the most out of your oil.
At Rubio Monocoat, we have three options for you before you start oiling. Those are WoodPrep, Cleaner and Tannin Primer. Each one of these products has their own benefits, so it’s down to you to figure out which one of these preparation items suits your project and your style. Please note that all these products are for indoor use only!
Cleaner - it does what it says on the tin…
Cleaner is perhaps the best preparation product if you’re looking for something simple. It’s great for beginners and those more experienced with the finishing process. It rids the area of any sanding dust, which is vital before oiling. You do not want any of that pesky sanding residue mixing in when you apply our Oil Plus 2C.
Instructions to use:
- Sand and vacuum the surface in the appropriate manner.
- Clean the surface with Cleaner
- Allow the wood to dry until it regains its original aspect.
The drying time can be anything between 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the degree of product that has been used to wet the surface.
A bonus of the Cleaner is that you can wash any tools that encountered the oil with it afterwards! However, please make sure to soak any pads and rags used during the oiling process in water, then seal them off from oxygen in a bag or bin. Do not throw them directly away without this step.

WoodPrep...more like WoodPop
Looking for some extra pop with your colour? WoodPrep has you covered. This product has some great benefits. Firstly, just like Cleaner, it rids your project of any sanding dust. However, WoodPrep also minimises sanding errors and any small scratches on the surface. In addition to this, its primary function is to Improve the intensity of the Rubio Monocoat oil you are using through better pigment absorption. Consider it a jacked up water pop. WoodPrep intensifies the colour you apply after it dries, meaning your Ruby is more red and your Charcoal is more charred. It’s great for darker colours to deepen the hue.
- Thoroughly vacuum the surface.
- Apply the WoodPrep evenly on the surface with a sponge. It is important that no untreated spots are left, because this would cause the surface to be patchy and uneven afterwards.
- Carefully wipe down with the Rubio Monocoat Microfiber Pad lengthwise in the direction of the wood grain, so that any little puddles get distributed evenly.
- Let the treated surface dry completely, until it looks and feels evenly dry.
- Apply the Oil Plus 2C of your choice.

Tannin Primer - say goodbye to dark rings
Sometimes wood types, especially oak, can be predisposed to a little…darkness. Tannin lives in the wood and over time seeps out. Wood tannins naturally occur as acid chemicals found in the sap of the tree. They normally stay hidden in moisture-free wood, but can come to the surface if the wood gets wet or comes into contact with moisture.
It can be hard to prevent this from happening, but our Tannin Primer has been created to stop those tannin marks from rearing their ugly (but very natural) heads. Please note that this product is most effective on oak, chestnut, red cedar and teak.
How to use:
- Sand the surface scratch-free until all residues of previous treatments are removed and remove all dust residue thoroughly.
- Apply Rubio Monocoat Tannin Primer using a brush, roller or spray at a rate of 50 g/m2. Even out with a cloth in the direction of the boards to prevent puddles.
- Allow to dry thoroughly.
- Remove any raised fibres using a beige Rubio Monocoat scrubby.
- Wipe down the surface and apply your choice of Rubio Monocoat finishing oil.
Bonus point: to stop those tannin marks dead in their tracks, we also have our Tannin Remover. These two products help bookend the appearance of dark rings and remove those pesky stains from your beautiful oiled surfaces. All you have to do is leave it on for a couple of minutes, or until the stain has disappeared right before your eyes like magic!